Dr. Mark T. Zimmerman can help with all muscle and joint related problems. He is an experienced Chiropractic Physician serving the greater Umatilla, Eustis, Altoona, Paisley, Astor, and Grand Island areas of north Lake County, Florida.
Quality healthcare services from Dr. Zimmerman include:
- Chiropractic Care
- Physiotherapy
- Nutrition
- Physician Assisted Weight Loss
- Health Education

Mark T. Zimmerman, D.C., Ed.D., is a 2001 graduate of Life University College of Chiropractic with a Doctorate Degree in Chiropractic. In 2001 Dr. Zimmerman went into practice in Atlanta, Georgia where he joined Alternative Health Improvement Center. This multi-doctor practice gave Dr. Zimmerman extensive experience in general and clinical nutrition, lifestyle modification and chiropractic.
After two years in practice, Dr. Zimmerman felt that his true passion was educating people on health related topics. This passion lead him to a rural practice just outside of Memphis, Tennessee where he returned to school for a Doctorate Degree in Education at the University of Memphis. After four years of classroom work and three years of research, Dr. Zimmerman finished his dissertation and graduated with his second doctorate degree.
While studying education at the graduate level, Dr. Zimmerman received training in general and health psychology, motivation, learning theories and instructional design. He enjoys combining his understanding of these areas with his understanding of the health sciences to develop and implement public health education classes. Dr. Mark T. Zimmerman is an experienced speaker on a wide variety of topics such as osteoporosis, general nutrition, exercise science and health motivation.

Umatilla Chiropractic
Dr. Mark T. Zimmerman
Chiropractic Physician
533 Umatilla Boulevard
Umatilla, Florida 32784
352.459.6411 – phone
352.387.7888 – fax
Dr. Mark T. Zimmerman, Chiropractor – serving the greater Umatilla, Eustis, Altoona, Paisley, Astor, and Grand Island areas of north Lake County, Florida.